Coaching is not only about resolving issues, or making changes to one or other areas of your life, but also about making the most of your extraordinary and unique talents to create the life you want.

It means helping you to better understand yourself and your interactions with others; to identify what is holding you back and to extend your choices.

There is nothing complicated about having the life that you want. The question is whether you make it a priority to reach your potential and deal with the things that are stopping you.


Welcome to the website

Located in the UK, I coach on a one to one basis.

My focus is on what matters to you, whether it is in your business life or your personal life, in personalised one to one sessions, to achieve the life you want.

Does this apply to you professionally?
  • Do you have rising stars who need help to get to the next level?
  • Have you identified organisational goals and require help to get your people to achieve them?
  • Do you need a sounding board for thinking and exploration?
  • Do you or any of your people require assistance in career development?
  • Have you specific work problems to deal with and need to identify the underlying causes of these problems?
  • Do you require some personalised support and development?
  • Does the nature of your issue require privacy, or an external unbiased opinion?
  • Do you want to explore new developments or to test out theories without setting hares running?
  • Do you need greater flexibility, greater self awareness and understanding to deal with day to day issues?

If so, then business coaching is worth considering.

Does this apply to you personally?
  • You are not making the most of your abilities.
  • You have a problem to solve but are making no progress with it.
  • You have a business idea but have never got around to moving that idea forward.
  • Have you had so much success you feel that at any moment it could all be snatched away or that maybe you don’t deserve it, and sometimes an uncomfortable combination of the two?
  • You feel snarled up and frustrated, held back by your own self sabotage?
  • Do you feel that while you are successful in some areas of your life, but can’t see a way forward in others?
  • Do you feel you have something to say, something to offer, something you want to do but are unsure of how to start
  • You feel you are making a hash of things and want them straightened out.
  • Do you have a phobia that trips you up at every step of the way and dominates your life so you can’t be released to do what you most desire?

If so, then personal coaching is worth considering.

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